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Hi, everybody! I hope you’re all well. This post is a part of the frequently asked question for beginner in Excel and here is brief introduction to some basics knowledge about Microsoft Excel Application
We gonna see together how to adding columns in Excel or multiple columns including cells inside a table in Excel.
Columns in Excel
The column header
A column in Microsoft Excel is a vertical block of cells in a worksheet. One or more columns can be selected to perform an action, or to enter data.
To select a column, click on the column header. The column header is the letter at the top of the column. For example, to select column C, click on the letter C.
To select multiple columns, click on the first column header, then hold down the shift key and click on the last column header. All the column headers between the first and last column will be selected.
Columns can also be selected by clicking on a cell in the column and then using the keyboard shortcut, Ctrl+Space. This will select the entire column that the cell is in.
Once a column is selected, you can perform actions on it, such as resizing, hiding, and deleting.
How to change the width of a column in Excel (Resizing Column)?
To resize a column, hover your mouse over the right edge of the column header. The mouse cursor will change to a resize icon. Click and drag the column to the desired width.
Hide / Unhide columns in Excel
To hide a column, right-click on the column header and select Hide. The column will be hidden from view.
To unhide a column, right-click on any column header and select Unhide. This will bring up a dialog box listing all the hidden columns. Select the column you want to unhide and click OK.
Delete columns in Excel
To delete a column, right-click on the column header and select Delete. The column will be deleted and the cells shifted to the left.
Add columns in Excel
Adding columns in Excel is a quick and easy way to organize your data.
To add a column, simply click on the column header where you want the new column to appear and then click the “Insert” button. This will insert a new column to the left of the selected column.
If you have a lot of data, you may want to consider using the “Insert” function to insert multiple columns at once. To do this, select the number of columns you want to insert from the “Insert” drop-down menu and then click the “OK” button. Excel will insert the specified number of columns to the left of the selected column.
Excel Merge Cells | Merge columns
Excel merge cells
Merging cells in Excel is a way of combining two or more cells into one. This can be useful when you want to combine data from multiple cells into one cell, or when you want to make your data more visually appealing.
To merge cells in Excel, first select the cells that you want to merge. Then, click the “Merge & Center” button on the toolbar. This will combine the selected cells into one cell.
If you want to unmerge cells, simply select the merged cell and click the “Unmerge Cells” button on the toolbar. This will split the merged cell back into its original cells.
– Merge Excel cells with Macro
Sub MergingCells() Range("A1:C1").Merge End Sub
– Merge Excel cells with Shortcut
- Merge Cells: ALT H+M+M
- Merge & Center: ALT H+M+C
- Merge Across: ALT H+M+A
- Unmerge Cells: ALT H+M+U
Check out also:
How to add developer tab in Excel?
Create and Write Macros in Excel
Excel merge columns
– Merge Excel columns with Function
If you have two columns of data in Excel and want to merge them into one column, you can use the CONCAT function. This function will combine the data from two or more columns into one column.
To use the CONCAT function, select the cell where you want the combined data to appear. Then, enter the CONCAT function as follows:
Where range1 is the first column of data, range2 is the second column of data, and so on.
For example, if you have data in cells A1:A5 and B1:B5, you would enter the following formula in cell C1:
This would combine the data from the two columns into one column in cell C1.
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